Elegido por un Gdansk Experto local, le traemos nuestra guía para 'Top 5 Clubs in Gdansk'.

Una noche en Gdansk no está completa sin una visita a sus vibrantes clubes. ¡Descubre los 5 mejores lugares para disfrutar de la vida nocturna en Gdansk!

1. Club Protokultura - Con una mezcla de música electrónica y eventos temáticos, este club es perfecto para los amantes de la buena música y la atmósfera festiva.

2. Parlament - Conocido por su amplia pista de baile y una variedad de bebidas, Parlament es el lugar ideal para bailar hasta el amanecer.

3. Sfinks 700 - Si buscas un club con estilo y elegancia, Sfinks 700 te impresionará con su diseño moderno y su increíble variedad de bebidas premium.

4. Bunkier Club - Ubicado en un antiguo búnker militar, este club subterráneo ofrece una experiencia única con su arquitectura única y música de alta energía.

5. Mandragora - Conocido por sus vibrantes fiestas temáticas y DJs de renombre, Mandragora es el lugar perfecto para aquellos que buscan una noche emocionante con buena música y entretenimiento.

Café Absinthe

Café Absinthe is a local Gdansk legend. The pub is famous in the Tri-city especially due to the crazy parties that last till 6 AM, and sometimes even to 9 AM. One of the traditions is dancing on the tables, the next is drinking absinthe. There are more than 10 kinds of absinthe on the menu, with the differences by a mix of herbs and aromas. Absinthe is served in glasses with sugar cubes and set o...

Bruderschaft Pub Gdansk

Bruderschaft Pub Gdansk is located in the heart of the Old City of Gdansk. It is open every day from noon to the last client. Live events take place almost every evening. The pub was opened in 2012 and has organized a lot of live concerts (Jazz, Blues, Funk and Rock). It organizes also a couple of cyclical events. One of them is 'Vinyl Tuesday'. During the evening each client can bring his own vin...

Bunkier Club

Bunkier Pub consists of 5 floors with 2 bars, 2 concert-party halls, gallery, and pub. It is located in the building which was a German shelter during the Second World War. Each floor is arranged differently. One of the floors is decorated like a prison with the electric chair. Some of the rooms resemble English pubs when others are furnished in comfortable sofas. In addition to the interesting in...

Chmielna 101 Cooltura

A small modern bar located on the Island of Granaries (Wyspa Spichrzow), close to the bridge from the Green Gate. Featuring an extravagant and modern interior with a small dance floor, which makes a party more lively. A huge selection of drinks. A lot of events which are organized almost everyday, regular live music, and DJ's nights....

Klub Muzyczny Parlament

Klub Muzyczny Parlament (Parlament Music Club) is one of the Polish famous music clubs. It is located in the Wybrzeże Theatre, on the Old City of Gdansk. The club has three floors and over 1000 square meters. The club has music stage that hosted the greatest Polish pop and rock music stars as Myslovitx, O.N.A, Hey and many others, as well as foreign groups (THA LINKS, P.M.D from the USA, German M...

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